Peacemaker is an American television series created by James Gunn for the streaming service HBO Max, based on the DC Comics character Peacemaker. It is the first DC Extended Universe (DCEU) television series and a spin-off from the 2021 film The Suicide Squad. Set after the events of the film, the series follows jingoistic killer Christopher Smith / Peacemaker as he joins "Project Butterfly", a black ops squad that targets parasitic butterfly-like creatures. The series is produced by The Safran Company and Troll Court Entertainment in association with Warner Bros. Television, with Gunn serving as showrunner.
John Cena stars as the title character, reprising his role from The Suicide Squad, with Danielle Brooks, Freddie Stroma, Chukwudi Iwuji, Jennifer Holland, Steve Agee, and Robert Patrick also starring. Gunn conceived Peacemaker after noting Cena's strength as a dramatic actor while filming The Suicide Squad, and wrote all eight episodes while completing the film during the COVID-19 pandemic. HBO Max ordered Peacemaker straight-to-series in September 2020, and additional casting took place over the following months. Filming took place in Vancouver, Canada, from January to July 2021, with Gunn directing five episodes.
Peacemaker premiered on HBO Max on January 13, 2022, with its first three episodes. The rest of the series is being released weekly through February 17. The series has received positive reviews.